Return Policy
If you find you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return it and we will refund, replace, or exchange it for you. To be eligible for a full refund, items must be returned within 60 days of purchase. Returns made after that period will receive a store credit or exchange.
Contact Bobby’s English Tack
Phone: (714) 970-3778
Fax: (714) 970-3776
Email: [email protected]
At Bobby’s English Tack we offer three comprehensive collections designed to meet the exacting needs and requirements for all levels of English riding. From our everyday value Fairhaven Collection to our finest, most premium Signature Series Collection, every item we produce features our handcrafted tradition of excellence. As riders, we understand the need for quality at all price points and have worked hard to ensure that we provide a Good–Better–Best platform that is unrivaled in the industry.
We have manufactured handcrafted fine English tack since 1880. Our shield is a symbol of uncompromising quality and absolute integrity. Now in its fourth generation, Bobby’s English Tack is recognized as a reputable and popular brand name across riding disciplines.